A war hero, a handsome husband, a dedicated father and church bishop, this is my Charlie. My husband Charlie was unlike many other guys I had dated. I immediately knew from our 1st date, that I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. Over the past 40 years of our marriage it has been a wonderful ride of life with Charlie. We did what most young married couples often do, we went to the big city to make big money, this being Chicago. I worked as an advertising manager and he worked in the financial district while maintaining his pastoral assignment and congregational duties. We made some pretty impressive moves over the years until it was time for us to slow down. It was time for us to retire and get out of the rat race of life. We decided to move to Georgia, where my husband’s mother grew up. Upon some research, we wanted a smaller town instead of the city lifestyle. We settled on Houston County, Georgia as our final resting place. Houston County has been very good to us and the people here are lovely. We have lived here for about 15 years now and we have had our share of aches and pains. My husband woke up one morning and had a terrible ache and his chest was hurting. I was scared and immediately called the ambulance. They rushed him to the hospital as he was having a heart attack. They tried everything they could do but it was time for my Charlie to rest after all of the years of taking care of me, his children and the family. That is a day I will never forget for it was a wakeup call for me that we don’t live forever and life’s journey has to end one day. My children flew down and I had to plan a funeral for my dear husband. We knew many people in the area but since we were very low key, I wasn’t sure about where to start looking to make final arrangements. My children are not from here but they sure knew how to work that Internet. They looked online and searched for florist in Houston County, Georgia and a website popped up call National Caregivers Network which had a listing of Florists in the area. They also had a listing of funeral homes. This was God-Sent and made planning things very easy for us; finally, after a few phone calls to check prices, we settled on Daisy Patch Florist in Perry, Georgia. Their assortment of bundles and funeral flowers was amazing. They delivered everything on time and everything smelled sweet and lovely, just like my Charlie.
Mary Beth Wallace